Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My first blog post ever!

I have been thinking about starting a blog for quite a while.  I even started to do the layout for one last year, but I didn't get very far.  A couple of things got in my way.  First, my confidence wavered.  I began to think, "Who would want to read my blog posts?  I'm not an authority on happiness."  Then, I succumbed to "perfection paralysis".  I got stuck in a cycle of tweaking and fixing the formatting because it all had to be just right before I posted anything.

So, what's different now?  Well, for one thing, I told someone about my project.  Last time, I never mentioned my blog to a soul.  Mostly because I didn't want anyone to know if it didn't work out.  But then the other night, our preacher came by to talk to my husband and me.  Somehow in the the course of our conversation, I mentioned the blog that I almost started.  By the time the evening was over, I had recommitted myself to the idea.

Another change is a shift in my perspective.  I realized that this blog doesn't have to be perfect; it just has to be real.  I also decided that, while I truly hope that people want to read my blog and find some inspiration from what I write, it serves a purpose even if it is only a place for me to scribble my thoughts about happiness in all of its forms and inspirations.  I truly believe that 95% of happiness is based upon our attitudes toward the events in our lives.  I know that spending time reflecting on the joyful moments can only enhance my happiness.  I hope you want to come along for the ride.  I think it will be lots of fun!


  1. I am so thankful that you began this project =) These are areas that I am still dealing with in the blogging arena and I can't wait to read more of your life. You are so wise, P.s. =)

  2. Great blog site, Karen! I enjoyed reading your thoughts. It's only fair that I do, since you have to listen to mine! Glad our visit had some inspirational value. Praying for your surgery this week!


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