The Princess Bride is one of the most quotable movies of all time. I have listed a few of my favorites below. There are links after most of the quotes that go to YouTube videos of the scenes. If you have other Princess Bride quotes that you love or other favorite quotable movies, click where is says "comments" below and share them here so that we can all have a good laugh!
"Inconceivable!" - Vizzini "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." - Inigo Vizzini and Inigo at the Cliffs of Insanity
"When I was young, television was called books." - The Grandfather The Grandfather (Peter Falk Tribute)
"Bye, bye, boys!" - Valerie "Have fun storming the castle!" - Miracle Max "Do you think it will work?" - Valerie "It'll take a miracle." - Miracle Max Miracle Max and Valerie
"Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up." - Inigo
"Mawidge...mawidge is what bwings us together today. Mawidge...that bwessed awangement. That dweam within a dweam." - The Impressive Clergyman at Buttercup and Prince Humperdinck's wedding The wedding scene
Add your favorite Princess Bride quote or favorite quotable movie to the list. Click on "comments" below and type your comment. Below the comment box it says "comment as" and there is a drop down menu where it says "select profile". Click on that and choose how you want to be identified. If you don't recognize any of the other options, just click "Name/URL" and then type your name and hit "post comment". It will move to a screen where it asks you to put in the word it shows you and post the comment. You can ignore the URL box, unless you have your own website and want a link to show up with your comment.
This is a cute movie with lots of smiles.
ReplyDeleteWhat about "But I'm not dead yet". Of course that is from the other most quotable movie Monty Python's Holy Grail.