I am a self-defined "realistic optimist". My realistic side knows that difficult times will happen, but my optimistic voice responds that things will be alright in the end. I might not end up back where I started or anywhere I ever thought I'd be, but I will be OK. This philosophy has developed through my faith and through my upbringing.
Psalm 27:5 says,
For in the day of troubleThis verse doesn't say that nothing bad will ever happen in our lives, but it does say that when we do have trouble, God will be with us. This promise is foundational to my way of seeing life and, ultimately, to my happiness.
he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent
and set me high upon a rock.
One of the basic truths found in wisdom literature throughout history is that “life is difficult”. Little did I know as I grew up that my father possessed the wisdom of a great philosopher. After all, his response to the many challenges we faced throughout life was consistent - “T'ain’t nothing easy.” When the car broke down - T’ain’t nothing easy.” When it took longer than expected to get somewhere - "T’ain’t nothing easy.” And when the tree fell on Grandmother's garage - "I tell you girl, t’ain’t nothing easy.
My father is an educated man, with a master’s degree and over 40 years as a high school teacher to prove it, but when life gets tough he turns to an age-old adage to find truth..."T’ain’t nothing easy."
I would like to encourage you to consider the idea that “T’ain’t nothing easy” or if you prefer “Life is difficult.” On its face, it sounds pessimistic, like the speaker is complaining that all is lost. But in truth, "T’ain’t nothing easy" is simply a realistic look at life that can see you through the hard times and give you the ability to be optimistic about the outcome.
Understanding that there will always be challenges in life prepares us to address those challenges when they arise. It also helps us to value the other side of the challenge when we get there. When my father says "T’ain't nothing easy" (or when I say it, for that matter), we utter those words knowing that we will get through whatever difficulty we are facing. It is as if acknowledging that we are being challenged gives rise to a certainty that we can meet that challenge. "T’ain’t nothing easy" sounds trite, but in my life, it has come to be a battle cry that spurs me to put my head down and persevere.
My father has another adage that supports my philosophy. You see "T'ain't nothing easy" is typically followed by "This too shall pass", a clear statement that difficulties are temporary. Together these proverbs encourage acceptance of the challenges we all will face in life, but also provide comfort with the assurance that things will get better. In other words...realistic optimism.
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